User <--> bash <--> kernel
shell is not kernel or part of kernel various shells: tcsh, csh, bash, ksh find the using shell: echo $SHELL find all the shells: cat /etc/shells what's a shell script? constants are as in any common programming languages. variables consist of user defined ones and system defined ones. system variables are always in CAPITAL letters and using 'set' will list most of system variables user defined variables: same as ones in the C language use $ symbol before varible name to access. output: echo input: read basic arithmetic: expr quotable quotes: " ' ` multiple commands: cmd1;cmd2;... io redirection: > >> < pipes: | process: each process owns a "pid" which ranges form 0~65535 command line arguments symbols: $#, $*, $@, $0, $1,...,$9 comparision symbols: mathemetical operators: -eq -ne -lt -le -gt -ge string operators: = != < > file/directory operators: -s -f -d -r -w -x logical operators: ! -a -o condition statement: if <condition> then cmd [elif/else cmd...] fi loops: while <condition> do cmd done for x in list do cmd done- $# :传给脚本的参数个数;
- $0 :脚本名称;
- $n :n为数字,代表传给脚本的第n个参数;
- $@ :参数列表;
- $* :也是显示参数列表,与上一条命令不同的是,当在双引号里面时,”$*”表示一个参数,即”a b c”,而”$@”表示三个参数,即”a” “b” “c”;
- $$ :执行当前脚本的进程ID;
- $? :最后一条命令的退出状态,0表示执行成功,非0表示执行失败.
示例: 建立一个脚本
echo "number:$#"echo "scname:$0"echo "first :$1"echo "second:$2"echo "third :$3"echo "fourth:$4"echo "argume:$@"echo "show parm list:$*"echo "show process id:$$"echo "show precomm stat: $?"
执行脚本,传入参数a b c:
number:3scname:bash_brief.shfirst:asecond:bthird:cfourth:argume:a b cshow param list:a b cshow process id:30238show precomm stat: 0